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Seminar: Mehanika isušivanja i bubrenja peludi
Seminar: Mechanics of desiccation and swelling of pollen
dr.sc. Antonio Šiber
Institute of Physics Zagreb
08.12.2021. u 11:00h
via Zoom
Odziv peludnih zrna na promjene vlažnosti u okolini određen je njihovom strukturom koju karakteriziraju mekana područja (aperture) u inače krutoj ljusci. Promjene vlažnosti mogu dovesti do isušivanja zrna i do njihovog umotavanja ili kolapsa, ali i do prekomjernog bubrenja pa čak i pucanja. Elastični model zrna formuliran je i iskorišten da se istraži mehanika umotavanja i bubrenja peludnih zrna te uloge koju u tom procesu igraju aperture. Ovisno o dizajnu apertura isušivanje može dovesti do njihovog regularnog zatvaranja i prestanka daljnjeg gubitka vlage što čuva fertilizacijski potencijal peludnog zrna. No, da bi taj proces uistinu regularno umotao zrno, nužno je da elastičnost i geometrija zrna ispunjavaju određene uvjete. Stoga je evolucijska putanja biljnih vrsta određena i mehaničkim ograničenjima kojima pelud mora udovoljiti. S druge strane, dotok vode u zrno dovodi do njegovog bubrenja pa i mogućeg pucanja, a proces također ovisi o svojstvima peludnih apertura. Kako aperture karakteriziraju i alergenu pelud koju raznosti vjetar, pucanje je takve peludi važno i u kontekstu ljudskog zdravlja.

Seminar hosts: Neven Šantić Damir Dominko


The structure of pollen grains, which is typically characterized by soft apertures in an otherwise stiff exine shell, guides their response to changes in the humidity of the environment. These changes can lead to the desiccation of the grain and its infolding but also to excessive swelling of the grain and even its bursting. Here, we use an elastic model to explore the mechanics of pollen grain swelling and the role that apertures play in this process. Depending on the aperture design, desiccation can lead to regular infolding and termination of further loss of moisture, preserving thus the fertilizing potential of the pollen grain. It is necessary that the elasticity and the geometry of the grain fulfill certain conditions, in order that the grain infolds regularly. The evolutionary path of the plant species is thus determined in part also by the mechanical constraints which the pollen grains must obey. On the other hand, an influx of water in the grain leads to its swelling and possible bursting, and this process also depends on the properties of pollen apertures. As apertures typically occur in allergenic pollen grains, the bursting of such grains is important in the context of human health. 
Seminar hosts: Neven Šantić Damir Dominko



IF Ⓒ 2017