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Conference: Znanstveni sastanak ECMetAC Days 202221 — 24/11/2022

Ovogodišnji znanstveni sastanak (ECMetAC Days 2022) Europskog integriranog centra za razvoj novih metalnih slitina i spojeva (The European Integrated Center for the Development of New Metallic Alloys and Compounds – ECMetAC), čiji je Institut za fiziku član od osnivanja 2009. godine, bit će organiziran od 21. do 24. studenog 2022 u Splitu. I ove godine se posebno potiče sudjelovanje doktorskih studenata i poslije-doktoranada, da prikažu rezultate svojih istraživanja u području kompleksnih metalnih slitina i spojeva kao i drugih kompleksnih sustava. Osnovna svrha ECMetAC-Days sastanaka je stjecanje uvida u najnovije rezultate ostvarene u tekućoj godini unutar ECMetAC mreže te diskutiranje budućih istraživanje. Više detalja na web stranici ECMetAC-Days2022 i/ili od predstavnika IF-a u znastvenom i upravnom odboru ECMetACa Petra Popčevića (

This year’s scientific meeting of the European Integrated Center for the Development of New Metallic Alloys and Compounds (ECMetAC), of which the Institute of Physics has been a member since its founding in 2009, will be organized from November 21 to 24, 2022 in Split. The participants of the scientific meeting are mostly scientists from partner institutions. The participation of doctoral students and postdocs is especially encouraged to present the results of their research in the field of complex metallic alloys and compounds as well as other complex systems. More details on the ECMetAC-Days 2022 website and/or from the representative of the IF in the Science and Governing boards of the ECMetAC Petar Popčević (


IF Ⓒ 2017