Cold and low-density plasmas are currently in focus of basic research worldwide due to many open questions regarding their complex nature and simultaneously due to their high potential for applications in various fields of research and technology. Plasmas can be produced by bombarding matter either with energetic electrons or with energetic photons. The first kind is related to use of various discharges and the second to use of powerful lasers. Our interest is in plasmas produced in vacuum, under low-pressure gas environment, at atmospheric air or on/within liquids. Discharges which we use range from electrodeless, single electrode to various designs of two electrode systems. Lasers we use are cw or pulsed nanosecond. In our research special care will be devoted to tailoring the electron energy distribution functions as a key factor influencing plasma content and features. This is usually done by changing macroscopic plasma parameters – gas pressure, electrical fields and geometry of discharges. In this project we shall combine laser produced plasmas with discharge plasmas to achieve that goal. To understand the complex nature of plasma or processes of plasma interaction with other matter phases (gases, liquids and solids) basic approach is to perform plasma diagnostics by various types of optical and laser spectroscopies. To interpret findings we study basic atomic collision processes in plasmas and structure and spectra of various complexes formed within plasma (dimers, radicals etc.). Modelling of various processes within cold plasmas and laser produced plasmas is performed in addition. In various applications in which plasma treatment of matter is used there is a need for in situ monitoring of processes both in plasma and at interfaces and therefore both spatial and temporal spectral resolution of applied detection techniques are important. We use classical emission and absorption laser spectroscopies and modern techniques such as a cavity ring-down spectroscopy.

Laser produced plasma: in background gas (left) and collisional plasmas in vacuum (right)
Triple atmospheric pressure plasma jet
DBD atmospheric pressure plasma jet
Low-pressure inductively coupled radio-frequency plasma
Dejan Maletić, Dean Popović, Nevena Puač , Zoran Lj Petrović and Slobodan MiloševićComparison of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and fast ICCD imaging for spatial and time resolved measurements of atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet
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Kinga Kutasi, Nikša Krstulović, Andrea Jurov, Krešimir Salamon, Dean Popović and Slobodan MiloševićControlling: the composition of plasma-activated water by Cu ions
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Maja Kiš, Slobodan Milošević, Ana Vulić, Zoran Herceg, Tomislava Vukušić, Jelka PleadinEfficacy of low pressure DBD plasma in the reduction of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in oat flour
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Lucija Krce, Matilda Šprung, Ana Maravić, Polona Umek, Krešimir Salamon, Nikša Krstulović, Ivica AvianiBacteria Exposed to Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Water: Modelling E. coli Growth and Inactivation
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Krisztián Gierczik, Tomislava Vukušić, László Kovács, András Székely, Gabriella Szalai, Slobodan Milošević, Gábor Kocsy, Kinga Kutasi, Gábor GalibaPlasma‐activated water to improve the stress tolerance ofbarley
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Ivana Panžić, Krunoslav Juraić, Nikša Krstulović, Ana Šantić, Domagoj Belić, Damjan Blažeka, Milivoj Plodinec, Vilko Mandić, JelenaMacan, Adnan Hammud, Danail Ivanov, Jasper Plaisier, Marc Gregor Willinger, Davor Gracin and Andreja GajovićZnO@TiO2 Core Shell Nanorod Arrays with Tailored Structural, Electrical, and Optical Properties for Photovoltaic Application
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Kinga Kutasi, Dean Popović, Nikša Krstulović and Slobodan MiloševićTuning the composition of plasma-activated water by a surface-wave microwave discharge and a kHz plasma jet
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Dean Popović, Marijan Bišćan and Slobodan MiloševićLaser induced breakdown in pulsed helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet
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V. Stulić, T. Vukušić, A. R. Jambrak, V. Bačun- Družina, D. Popović, J. Mrvčić, Z. HercegQuantitative microbial assessment for Escherichia coli after treatment by high voltage gas phase plasma
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Andrea Jurov, Dean Popović, Iva Šrut Rakić, Ida Delač Marion, Gregor Filipič, Janez Kovač, Uroš Cvelbar, Nikša KrstulovićAtmospheric pressure plasma jet–assisted impregnation of gold nanoparticles into PVC polymer for various applications
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V. Stulić, T. Vukušić, A. Butorac, D. Popović, Z. HercegProteomic analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae response to plasma treatment
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N. Krstulović, A. Bielen, D. Mudronja, I. Babić, N. KrstulovićThe PlasmaArt Project – Application of Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jets in Conservation-Restoration of Wooden Objects
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Beuc, R., Peach, G., Movre, M., Horvatić, B.Lithium, sodium and potassium resonance lines pressure broadened by helium atoms
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Nikša Krstulović, Krešimir Salomon, Ivana Capan, Ognjen BudimlijaParameters optimization for synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles by laser ablation in water
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P. Dubček, B. Pivac, N. Krstulović, S. Milošević, and S. Bernstorff Morphological and Fractal Analysis of Thin Ge Films Deposited by Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation
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S. Ercegović Ražić, M. Bišćan, S. Milošević, D. Popović, T. JurkovićTesting of Physical Properties of Spun Yarns after Atmospheric Argon Plasma Treatment
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R. Zaplotnik, M. Bišćan, D. Popović, M. Mozetič, and S. MiloševićMetastable helium atom density in a single electrode atmospheric plasma jet during sample treatment
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V. Šantak, R. Zaplotnik, Z. Tarle, and S. MiloševićOptical Emission Spectroscopy of an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet During Tooth Bleaching Gel Treatment
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V. Horvatic, A. Michels, N. Ahlmann, G. Jestel, C. Vadla, and J. FranzkeTime-resolved line emission spectroscopy and the electrical currents in the plasma jet generated by dielectric barrier discharge for soft ionization
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R. Zaplotnik, M. Bišćan, N. Krstulović, D. Popović, and S. MiloševićCavity ring-down spectroscopy for atmospheric pressure plasma jet analysis
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N. Krstulović, K. Salamona, M. Modic, M. Bišćan, O. Milat, and S. MiloševićDynamics of double-pulse laser produced titanium plasma inferred from thin film morphology and optical emission spectroscopy
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