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Seminar: Polymerization processes in reactive low temperature plasmas Dr. Johannes Berndt
Institute GREMI, Groupe de Recherches sur l'Energétique des Milieux Ionisés, UMR7344, CNRS/Université d'Orléans
03.05.2022. u 15:00h
Institute of Physics, online, Zoom

Plasma operated with organic precursors are rather complex systems. Already the initial fragmentation of the monomer by electron impact dissociation can lead to the formation of a great variety of different neutral and charged fragments. These monomer fragments (e.g. neutral radicals) can induce subsequent polymerization reactions in the plasma volume leading to the formation of larger and more complex molecules and depending on the discharge conditions and the nature of the monomer eventually even to the formation of nanoparticles. All of these species formed in the plasma volume contribute to the flux of species impinging on the surfaces exposed to the plasma, where they contribute, often in a synergistic manner, to the growth of thin films. The control of the species fluxes arriving on the substrate is therefore one of the biggest challenges in plasma technology and equally important for the growth of thin films, the functionalization of surfaces and for etching processes. This talk will discuss some issues and basic concepts that can be used to address this problem. 

Seminar hostsNeven Šantić i Damir Dominko

IF Ⓒ 2017