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Seminar: Quasi-particle properties of excited electrons/holes in doped graphene Josip Jakovac
Institute of Physics
23.01.2024. u 11:00h
Institute of Physics, 1st wing seminar room (2nd floor)

Graphene is a 2D hexagonal crystal that, if doped, exhibits interesting plasmonic properties in the (infra-red) IR frequency range. For example, alkali atom doping provides strong intraband Dirac (DP) and acoustic (AP) plasmon. Electronic ground state was calculated in KC8, CsC8, LiC2 and LiC6 doped graphenes by the DFT method, which in turn provides the dynamically screened Coulomb interaction W, further used to calculate the electronic excitations spectra (S~ImW). Using the G0W0 correction method, the KC8 π/σ bands electron/hole and DP coupling (resulting in creation of a plasmaron quasiparticle) was investigated. This will enable better understanding of plasmonic modes, electron-plasmon interactions and quasi particle corrections of the doped graphene electronic band structure.

Seminar hostsNeven Šantić i Matija Čulo

IF Ⓒ 2017