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Scientific project



HrZZ - UIP-2020-02-8891


Functionalized two-dimensional Materials

project leader

Ida Delač

associatesAntun Lovro Brkić
Šimun Mandić
Atiđa Selmani (IRB)
web page
start date01.01.2021.
end date31.12.2025.
total ammount1.987.900,00 Kn
research areasSolid state physics
Surface physics



Two-dimensional (2D) materials, atomically thin layers of different materials, are a promising basis for a new generation of electronic and other devices due to their superior electronic, optical and mechanical properties. However, there are still issues to be addressed in order for these materials to be implemented in commercial electronic devices. In that regard, properties of 2D materials can be tuned by functionalization (e.g. with molecular patterning) or mechanical modulation. Molecular self-assembly on 2D materials is a new, quickly developing research field that is focused on two goals: modification of (opto)electronic properties of 2D materials since molecular adsorption influences e.g. doping, band gap or optical response and use of 2D materials as a decoupling layer in order to preserve properties (e.g. magnetic or catalytic) of the adsorbed molecules. The aim of this project is to establish a new research group that will study the impact of the functionalization of covalently or non-covalently bound organic molecules on the properties of 2D materials. Starting point of the research is the existing expertise on the Institute of Physics in Zagreb in the synthesis, transfer and characterization of 2D materials. Three methods for the functionalization of 2D materials by organic molecules are planned within this project. First one will be in the form of upgrade of the existing UHV-STM chamber with the necessary equipment: evaporator for organic molecules and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) for the monitoring of the thickness of the deposited film. Second will be simply from the solution (molecules dissolved in a solvent), which enables imaging by STM at the solid-liquid interface. Third approach will be using vapor-phase doping (VPD) method. Various experimental techniques (STM, AFM, SEM, Raman, PL and transport measurements) will be used for characterization of synthesized materials.

IF Ⓒ 2017