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Mirta Herak
job function Governing Council Member, Scientific Council representative
position Senior research associates
e-mail mirta
office number III - 144
office phone +385 1 469-8816
int. 159
laboratory phone +385 1 469-8833 (Lab II-029)
int. 171
+385 1 469-8921 (Lab III-033)
int. 160
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Petra Stanić, Kristina Smokrović, Nadica Maltar-Strmečki, Mirta Herak, Florian Meurer, Michael Bodensteiner, Christoph Hennig and Krešimir MolčanovStructural Variety of Extended Arrays of Pancake-Bonded TCNQ Radicals: Steric Effect of the Bulky Cations
Crystal Growth and Design 24, 9365 (2024)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.4c00649 20241111


M. Rubčić, M. Herak, L. Zagorec and D. Domazet Jurašin*Transition Metal-Based Dimeric Metallosurfactants: From Organic−Inorganic Hybrid Structures and Low-Dimensional Magnets to Metallomicelles
Inorganic Chemistry 63, 12218 (2024)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c01550 20240617


V. Kisiček*, D. Dominko, M. Čulo, Ž. Rapljenović, M. Kuveždić, M. Dragičević, H. Berger, X. Rocquefelte, M. Herak* and T. IvekSpin-Reorientation-Driven Linear Magnetoelectric Effect in Topological Antiferromagnet Cu3TeO6
Physical Review Letters 132, 096701 (2024).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.096701 20240226


Xavier Rocquefelte, Mirta Herak, Atsushi Miyake, William Lafargue-Dit-Hauret, Helmuth Berger, Masashi Tokunaga, and Andres SaúlCoherent description of the magnetic properties of SeCuO3 versus temperature and magnetic field
Physical Review B 107, 054407 (2023)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.054407 20230209


Katarina Lisac, Sara Cepić, Mirta Herak and Dominik CinčićHalogen-Bonded Co-Crystals Containing Mono- and Dinuclear Metal-Organic Units: Three-Component One-Pot Mechanosynthesis, Structural Analysis and Magnetic Properties
Chemistry-Methods 2, e202100088 (2022).
DOI: 10.1002/cmtd.202100088 20220405


Martina Dragičević, David Rivas Góngora, Željko Rapljenović, Mirta Herak, Vedran Brusar, Damir Altus, Matej Pregelj, Andrej Zorko, Helmuth Berger, Denis Arčon, and Tomislav IvekControl of a polar order via magnetic field in a vector-chiral magnet
Physical Review B 104, L121107 (2021).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121107 20210915


W. Sun, T. Arh, M. Gomilšek, P. Koželj, S. Vrtnik, M. Herak, J. -X. Mi, and A. ZorkoMagnetic ordering of the distorted kagome antiferromagnet Y3Cu9(OH)18[Cl8(OH)] prepared via optimal synthesis
Physical Review Materials 5, 064401 (2021)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.064401 20210601


Ž. Hanjš, M. HerakIzvanredni broj (J), Sedam desetljeća Matematičko-fizičkog lista
Matematičko fizički list , 71, 282, (2020)
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Mirta Herak, Nikolina Novosel, Martina Dragičević, Thierry Guizouarn, Olivier Cador, Helmuth Berger, Matej Pregelj, Andrej Zorko, and Denis ArčonMagnetic-field-induced reorientation in the spin-density-wave and the spin-stripe phases of the frustrated spin-1/2 chain compound β-TeVO4
Physical Review B 102, 024422 (2020)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.024422 20200715


Senada Muratović, Bahar Karadeniz, Tomislav Stolar, Stipe Lukin, Ivan Halasz, Mirta Herak, Gregor Mali, Yulia Krupskaya, Vladislav Kataev, Dijana Žilić and Krunoslav UžarevićImpact of dehydration and mechanical amorphization on the magnetic properties of Ni(II)-MOF-74
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8, 7132 (2020)
DOI: 10.1039/d0tc00844c 20200607


Nikolina Novosel, William Lafargue-Dit-Hauret, Željko Rapljenović, Martina Dragičević, Helmuth Berger, Dominik Cinčić, Xavier Rocquefelte, and Mirta HerakStrong decoupling between magnetic subsystems in the low-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnet SeCuO3
Physical Review B 99, 014434 (2019)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.014434 20190128


D. Žilić, D. Maity, M. Cetina, K. Molčanov, Z. Džolić, and M. HerakMagnetostructural Characterization of Oxalamide DihaloBridged Copper Dimers: Intra- and Interdimer Interactions Studied by Single-Crystal Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
ChemPhysChem 18, 2397- 2408 (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201700433 20170801


A. Zorko, M. Herak, M. Gomilšek, J. van Tol, M. Velázquez, P. Khuntia, F. Bert, and P. MendelsSymmetry Reduction in the Quantum Kagome Antiferromagnet Herbertsmithite
Physical Review Letters 118, 017202 (2017)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.017202 20170105Download publication


M. Pregelj, O. Zaharko, M. Herak, M. Gomilšek, A. Zorko, L. C. Chapon, F. Bourdarot, H. Berger and D. ArčonExchange anisotropy as mechanism for spin-stripe formation in frustrated spin chains
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), 94, 081114(R) (2016)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.081114 20160829


M. Herak, D. Žilić, D. Matković Čalogović, and H. BergerTorque magnetometry study of magnetically ordered state and spin reorientation in quasi-1D S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet CuSb2O6
Phys. Rev. B 91, 174436 (10 pp) (2015)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.174436 20150801

M. Herak, A. Grubišić Čabo, D. Žilić, B. Rakvin, K. Salamon, O. Milat, and H. BergerMagnetic anisotropy of the spin tetramer system SeCuO3 studied by torque magnetometry and ESR spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. B 89, 184411 (14pp) (2014)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.184411 20140519

M. Herak, A. Zorko, M. Pregelj, O. Zaharko, G. Posnjak, Z. Jagličić, A. Potočnik, H. Luetkens, J. van Tol, A. Ozarowski, H. Berger, and D. ArčonMagnetic order and low-energy excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CuSe2O5 with staggered fields
Phys. Rev. B 87, 104413 (12pp) (2013)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.104413 20130325

Completed scientific projects - leader

Teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja magnetskih i multiferoičnih metala

COGITO projekt
01.01.2017. - 31.12.2018.
Leader: Mirta Herak
Associates: Martina Dragičević, Xavier Rocquefelte (voditelj), UMR CNRS 6226 Rennes
Research areas: Solid state physics

Influence of Magnetic Anisotropy on Quantum Spin Systems

HrZZ - UIP-2014-09-9775
01.06.2015. - 15.09.2018.
Leader: Mirta Herak
Associates: Ivana Levatić, Martina Dragičević, Nikolina Novosel, Dijana Žilić (IRB), Zoran Džolić (IRB)
Research areas: Solid state physics

Magnetic Response of a Paired Electron Crystal

01.01.2015. - 31.12.2016.
Leader: Mirta Herak
Associates: Tomislav Ivek, M. Dressel, Y. Yan, A. lohle, M. Slota
Research areas: Solid state physics

Key role of magnetic anisotropy in low-dimensional spin systems

01.01.2014. - 31.12.2015.
Leader: Mirta Herak
Associates: Vinko Šurija, Živković, Zorko, Arčon, Pregelj, Potočnik, Gomilšek
Research areas: Solid state physics

Completed scientific projects - associate

Intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides

HrZZ IP-2020-02-9666
01.01.2021. - 31.01.2025.
Leader: Petar Popčević
Associates: Mirta Herak, Ana Smontara, Naveen Kumar Chogondahalli Muniraju, Gaurav Pransu, Naveen Singh Dhami, Wojciech Jerzy Sas, Ivo Batistić -PMF Zagreb, Laszlo Forro-EPFL Lausanne Švicarska
Research areas: Solid state physics

Collective Dynamics in Magnetoelectrics (ColDynaMo)

HrZZ- IP-2018-01-2730
01.10.2018. - 30.09.2022.
Leader: Tomislav Ivek
Associates: Damir Dominko, David Rivas Góngora, Martina Dragičević, Matija Čulo, Željko Rapljenović, Mirta Herak, Nikolina Novosel
Research areas: Solid state physics

Cryogenic Centre at the Institute of Physics - KaCIF

EU strukturni fondovi- Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. – 2020., KK.
01.07.2018. - 15.12.2022.
Leader: Damir Starešinić
Associates: Đuro Drobac, Mirta Herak, Tomislav Ivek, Petar Popčević, Mladen Prester, Nikolina Novosel, Josip Pogačić, Žarko Vidović

Fizika 2012

16.01.2012. - 03.06.2013.
Leader: Berti Erjavec
Associates: Nazif Demoli, Marko Kralj, Ivica Aviani, Slobodan Milošević, Mirta Herak, Ines Dukić*, Bernarda Mlinarić*, XV. Gimnazija, Zagreb

Transport i termodinamika novih materijala s elektronski korelacijama

MZT (0035010)
01.01.2002. - 31.12.2006.
Leader: Veljko Zlatić
Associates: Berislav Horvatić, Mirta Herak, Marko Miljak
Research areas: Solid state physics

IF Ⓒ 2017